Honda 2Wheelers India aims at building a culture and inculcating safe riding habits for everyone. In line with its mission of making roads safer, Honda 2Wheelers India has developed various awareness programs on road safety. These programs are orchestrated for different age groups and aims in spreading education on Road Safety to help create a collision free society.
Further strengthening its commitment towards road safety, Honda 2Wheelers India has trained its dealers in conducting training and education programs for the customers on Road Safety. Our dealers are pivotal in bridging gap between the company and our customers. They provide deep understanding on vehicle safety, safe riding habits, importance of wearing safety gears, significance of precise posture while riding etc. They run different initiatives at dealerships, schools, colleges, etc. to cater wide masses of all age groups.

In order to spread road safety awareness, Honda 2Wheelers India has undertaken numerous initiatives. Each of these are delivered in interactive and engaging way to make it interesting & knowledgeable for everyone. Some of the initiatives included:
- Honda 2Wheelers India in association with local Government authorities have adopted various Traffic Parks pan India basis to provide road safety awareness to people of all age groups. We have also initiated trainings at Safety Driving Education Centre for Driving License applicants nationwide.
- We have imported special kids bike (Honda 2Wheelers India CRF50) to educate kids on the importance of Road Safety from an early age.
- Special training activities are organized where trainings on virtual riding simulator (Honda 2Wheelers India Riding Trainer) is executed for 16+ age group to experience nearly 100 possible dangers before you actually ride a vehicle.
- Women are empowered to become independent rider with female safety riding sessions.
- Besides all these initiatives, Honda 2Wheelers India also conducts educational activities such as quizzes and road safety training & games on regular basis.
Through participation in different programs like Auto-Expo, India International Trade Fair etc & developing activities like Road safety fiesta, Safe bicycle awareness camp, Daddy Drive Safe, Road Safety Quizzes etc, Honda 2Wheelers India engages the participants in interactive manner to be educated on correct road safety practices.

Honda 2Wheelers India has established different education and training centres across India at different locations to ensure that the participants are educated and trained on road safety. Honda 2Wheelers India has set up Safety Driving Education Centres and Traffic parks where full time instructors are appointed to provide education on road safety and vehicle riding to people from different segments of society.

traffic training park

safety driving education centres
Honda 2Wheelers India is a socially responsible 2wheeler company that is committed in making safe riding an everyday habit amongst the road users through its aim of providing “Lifetime Safety Education”. Honda 2Wheelers India organizes different activities focussing on road safety and advocates safety for everyone extending from kids, youngsters, elders, corporates and other road users.